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To register:

Everyone can take 2 trial lesson. Afterwards we expect the participant to register as a member (or not). For the contribution costs click the button Information below. You can download our registration form here. By becoming a member, you are in agreement with the Terms and Conditions. 


For Senior members the monthly contribution is €37.50 (all-in). You can decide which classes to take. The choice is yours completely. 

Contribution will be collected monthly (and automatically) by means of direct debit (automatische incasso). The registration fee for new members is €15.00. More information (in Dutch) about the contribution and payments can be found in the Terms and Conditions.


Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG).

We tried our very best to comply to the Algemene Verordening Gegevens (AVG) law. AVG is a European privacy law which insures that companies and organisations process personal data carefully. You can read more about it in this document (in Dutch) right here

Cancellation of membership:

Cancellation of your membership needs to be done according to the Terms and Conditions.

Cancellation of membership can be done by e-mail ( or by letter (Secretariat Renshu Fights – Buitensingel 22 – 9883 SH Oldehove). Cancellation of membership is possible every month and must be done at least 4 weeks before the start of a new calendar month.